Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Christmas Adventure

So I know I said I would post about things I learned this year but something worthy of writing happened. It actually started Christmas eve when my family I was supposed to go see on Christmas day called and we decided to meet this weekend so no one had to get out in the winter storm that was supposed to hit.  Which meant for the first time since my nuclear family was formed we did not have to go anywhere on Christmas day. We went along with our usual Christmas Eve traditions including baking my Blueberry Coffee Cake and letting the kids open one small gift. Everything was cozy and normal. We went to bed a little late "Santa" duties. As the norm we turned the heat down a bit. Over night it got cold, really cold. When Christmas morning came around I got up to turn up the heat with the idea I had simply turned it down to low for the weather. I turned it up....nothing Turned it up to 83......nothing Turned it off and then back on........nothing. I scurried back to bed and crawled back under the covers with the news that the heater was not working.  We laid there for a minute going over options and letting me warm back up. My hubby then called our landlord who had him turn on the A/C and then it off and then the heater on to test the thermostat and then to take the filters out and try the heater again....... no heat. The landlord said the earliest he could get it fixed was the next morning. So we called my in-laws and planned on going over to their little place and celebrate over there for the morning, it's a tradition to celebrate with them on Christmas morning and they live right behind us.  Afterwards we came home and my husband set about  heating the house. He lit the gas heater in the bathroom, turned on the stove,sealed every possible leak he could and then went to the closest 7/11 for some of their over priced firewood. He came home and built a big fire and then we created a barrier between the living room and the rest of the house by hanging blankets over the doorway.  This successfully warmed up our little living room to a comfortable level. This also led to a very slow and cozy Christmas. A little bit of an adventure too. We watched movies, played and snuggled together. I am so appreciative of my husband for all that he did to take care of us and to keep us warm. Including getting out on the icy roads not once but twice to make sure we had enough wood to keep us warm. That night we brought all of the kids mattresses into our living room and we all bunked down in our little cave for a nights rest. My husband got up to put wood on the fire ( which is a big deal with his RA) and the fire didn't go out till early morning. We left our last bundle till when we got up. It did get a little cool after the blaze went out but it was so beautiful and warm right up to the last. The kids loved watching the fire as they laid down to rest. When we woke up my husband restarted the fire to help rewarm us. The heat and air guy came very shortly after we woke up. He had to go get a new part for the unit so even if he had come Christmas day he would have been unable to fix it anyways. Needless to say though our heater is now fixed but this all has really emphasized what Christmas is really about.It's not about presents or big holiday dinners but about the most precious blessings in our lives our family and friends. Time with these people is after all the most important and expensive thing you could ever give.  Well I hope you enjoyed this little story and that your Christmas was a special as ours was. Thank you for reading.

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