Monday, April 29, 2013

Relationship Challenge Part 2

Last week in our challenge I discussed how we can let life get in the way of us remembering why we founder our partners so very special in the first place. If you would like to check out the original post go here.  Have you been trying the steps from week one? Were they hard? This week I wanted to discuss reconnecting with our partners. Often times finding that time to spend with our partners can get lost in our daily lives. I know I get so swallowed up with business stuff,house work and kids that sometimes one on one time with my hubby get lost in the mix. It's not an uncommon problem, many people we counseled had a hard time even remembering the last time they had even just a date night. So that brings me to this weeks Challenge step 1. Sit down with your partner and find something to do together on a regular basis. Now this has to be something neutral that both of you would enjoy. This part can take some experimenting which is part of the fun and will build up some memories. My hubby and I have tried a lot of things some I will never do again but I am glad we tried it once. Others like sitting down to do a put a puzzle together, playing games and reading a book together we do all the time. These last few are ones we can do often with out a lot of expense and around our schedule. What you pick doesn't need to cost a lot or be done everyday but it does need to be done regularly and something that is just for you 2.  Taking the time to do things that are neutral together allows for you to reconnect with new conversations and interests that are shared. Also having the one on one time can become something you will forward to as a goal to get you through the week. Which sometimes when life is at it's craziest you really need a goal. After you pick your thing make sure you plan for it so you don't forget to do it. Make it a priority. At first it will be easy to let life keep doing what it does and run right over your best laid plans. After awhile it will become a set part of your life and schedule.
  Step 2 of this weeks challenge is to take pictures of your times together. Before we got married some advice that was given to me was to surround your life and home with pictures of the memories you create. We tend to forget those good times and focus on the hard times, especially when we are right in the middle of one. So take out your camera and just snap a picture of a family game night or a date night. You can take pictures any day not just on special occasions or holidays. Find that good moment and capture it. Then upload them or print them. Make a picture album for the year. This is anew one for me. I have pictures everywhere and I take them all the time but I don't frequently have an album to document our year. I am actually very excited about the idea of being able to look back and see how we have grown and changed as a family, couple and in general. Having all those pictures around is nice. Not that you will notice them everyday but every now and then one will catch your eye and you will remember what a good time you were having in that moment.Here are some of mine I have taken recently.
Lizard, her boyfriend and Brother Bear. Brother Bear was climbing the tree and they decided to join him so I could get a picture.

Coyote loves making silly faces for the camera. We were waiting on some French Fries so I clicked of some pictures.

Coyote and Boss collecting rocks at the playground.

 As you can see nothing special and no special occasion just life being enjoyed and captured. Well I hope you join in on the Challenge. Thank you for reading.


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