Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feeling The Blessings

My week so far has already been so very blessed.
Let's start with Yesterday
 FIRST My new computer was acting up and The GEEK squad at Best BUY nearly lost a customer. At first they were acting like they could not see or replicate the clearly pink screen and I should take it home.  I pulled up one screen and what do you know it was there. They then started that it was a color option and we could just turn it off but it wasn't Windows. One Geek literally yelled at my husband and I because we wanted to know how to fix the problem on my computer that he was saying was a selection I had made to make my computer look pink. He could not tell us which one so I could turn it off. Then it was FireFox causing it despite it being on non web pages. So I had them remove FireFox and it did not fix. Finally another GEEK admitted he had no idea what was going on and they were going to keep it yet another couple of days to wipe it and reset it. Which was fine because I had yet to load anything other than  Webroot.  They were also going to clean it because my computer was covered in some kind of white powder after being in their care.  I was completely frustrated with the fact that the GEEK squad was acting like I had no idea what I was talking about and should just take home my Pink screened computer and be happy.  My husband and I left the store disappointed in the attitudes we had to deal with. My husband called the store to talk to the manger and was put in contact with a guy who was very apologetic about the whole situation and fully agreed that we did not need to take home a computer that was still having the issue we brought it in over. He talked to his  GEEK squad and determined that the best route to solve the issue was to exchange the computer out for another one. So we went and picked up a new last night. So happy to have my new computer back and running. I am also so happy to have a husband like mine who helped me get the situation taken care of.

 SECOND We went by a local shop that I have some of my items in and after talking to the Owner. I will be doing some fun new things with her store. Also looks like my sister will be also doing somethings with her shop as well. I just love the shop I am in and the owner.

THIRD We went to pick up my husbands meds for the month. With his RA he is given pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds  and other meds that the doctor deems he needs. When we went to check out my husband didn't owe anything his insurance had covered the full cost. We were shocked and thrilled.

FOURTH  Money we were waiting to pay a bill came in and we were able to pay it a little earlier than expected. That is always nice. That feeling that you have your  bills all paid and caught up is always nice. Especially on a limited budget.


Today is a very hard day for my husband. He had another infusion today, but that is not what is causing the FLARE up. It is the weather change. Despite what people say every time the weather changes his RA flares up. Today it is his back. Which is one of the joints his RA has attacked strongly. His RA has attacked his large joints more that it has his smaller ones.  When the inflammation and pain become more than usual they call it a Flare up -his condition is amped up more than normal you could say. On days like this it's all I can do to watch him  as he tosses and turns in his seat ( because moving on days like this can be very painful) unable to get comfortable even in his own skin despite taking his pain meds.  Today is a blessing because hopefully soon the new infusion meds will start taking over and Flare Ups will be a rarity and because he now has pain meds to at least help with his Flare ups. Also Our bills are finally paid for the month. That is always a blessing.

Here are some cool products I tried this past week

WEBROOT    great security program

ASUS G75  awesome comp for graphics, gaming and more. Mine has been super fast and quiet so far. The sound is great on it.  Other than the pink issue with the first I have been thrilled so far. Being a gamer and working with graphics and web stuff it fits the bill.

Mystic Chai Tea   This stuff is yummy. You can taste the cinnamon and clove. It tastes almost like tea mixed with cider. I sip on it while I am crafting or gaming.

Speaking of gaming I have been playing . It was a birthday present and I will do a write up on the expansion soon.

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