Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting ready for Halloween

It's Halloween and my family has some crazy traditions for Halloween.  What ever kids want to go trick or treating would stay home with me and the ones who didn't went camping with their daddy.  Usually ended up being the older kids have gone w/their dad and the others would come with me. Every Year we also get pumpkins to carve and then I bake the seeds. My kids and husband love them. This year I tried some new recipes thanks to Pinterest.

They were a hit. Thank you Pinterest. I of course burned the first batch but they still ate the ones out of it that were not dark brown. This year we are adding the fun of combining the two choices and going out of town to see some friends who own some acreage.  I am not a big fan of sleeping at other people's home ( I'm shy and it stresses me out) but this should be a lot of fun. The plan is to fish during the day and then get ready to trick or treat in their town ( supposed to be a big deal where they live) then we are going to come back and visit around a bon fire. They have kids around our kids ages so the kids will have a lot of fun too. Well I have already been putting together a Halloween post with pictures and I will post it after we get back with more pictures from our fun out there. It does add a little stress with having to pack clothes and costumes, making sure we have the gas etc etc.  Also the stress that I have work done and taken care of before I leave. Well Thanks for reading. Hope you have a safe and fun Halloween.

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